James And Palmer

"Only the best for me!"
Monday, September 19, 2011
R.I.P. Fabric 1998-2011
Celebrity radio DJ, Fabric The Savage, passed away today due to complications from cancer. He was a great friend to many and a brother to Bumoltua. He will be missed. We love you buddy. Pour out a little milk.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I've become somewhat insecure about my blogging skills lately. How can I possibly enlighten anybody out there when we all have Ghostface Killah's words of wisdom available right at our finger tips. Incredible. This should all be collected into one huge volume, bound in wack MCs skin, and entitled The Bible Part II. Please check it out. http://bigghostnahmean.blogspot.com/
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund and I've lost my goddamned mind.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Hardcore Jollies
Make sure to stop into Freddy's Bar on June 10th to check out my homeboys, The Hardcore Jollies, live at 8PM! I've been representing these fine young musicians for the past few months and I can already tell that they're going to be the next big thing. Freddy's is located at 627 5th Ave. in Brooklyn. Get there early and get licked by the band! Check out their site by clicking the image to the left.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part XVI
I'm Rodney Dezmund. A lot of people don't seem to think that I am Rodney Dezmund. It seems there have been some rumours leading to a lot of confusion and gossip in regards to who I, Rodney Dezmund, actually am or at least claim to be. I, Rodney Dezmund, have nothing to hide. No, it is not true that Rodney Dezmund and Nick "Wacky Back" West are one in the same. True, Mr. West and I, Rodney Dezmund, have yet to be in the same room together and actually meet eachother face to face, but I, Rodney Dezmund, do consider Mr. West a very good friend and keep in constant contact with him through emails, phone calls, and letters. I, Rodney Dezmund, have nothing to gain by posing as Mr. West and the same is vice versa true in Mr. West's case. Above is a photograph of me, Rodney Dezmund, and to the right is a photograph of Mr. West. As you can see, there is absolutely no resemblance, but keep the rumours coming. We get a kick out of it!
While I'm on this whole mixed up one guy isn't who he is but is actually one in the same as this guy subject, I'd like to bring up the controversy over whether or not Bumoltua of The Suite D's and Lynx Rufus of The Hardcore Jollies are actually one in the same. Listen, I, Rodney Dezmund, have worked closely with both of these guys for the past year or so and I can tell you flat out that these rumours are all nonsense. Rufus and Bumoltua actually can't stand eachother. I tried to get some shows booked with The Suite D's and The Hardcore Jollies on the same bill and had to cancel after a huge fight broke out between the two bands in my office over a missing pack of cigarettes. Funny thing is, nobody in either band smokes! There were no cigarettes to begin with! Too much testosterone, crazy eyes, crotch grabbing, and spitting going on between those two bands. Deep down, they're really all good sensitive guys and I, Rodney Dezmund, am trying to patch things up, but, at least for now, there is absolutely no way I'll ever put all those guys in the same room or even city or state with eachother! No! No way in Hell that Bumoltua and Lynx Rufus are the same person. Bumoltua has short hair and Rufus has long hair. What more proof could you ask for? Bumoltua is on the left, Lynx Rufus is to the right. Let's hope these guys shake hands one day.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part XIV
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Charles Mingus. His balls should be on the American flag. Shut up and listen. Better get hit in your soul.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part XII
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Blog schmog! You got me? I walked around southern California for about three hours today. They say it never rains in southern Cali, but it was pouring down today! I was looking for some broads or some burgers or something fun to get into, but this place is pretty dry. At least as far as broads and burgers go. Other than that, the place was sopping wet, and I got completely soaked. I saw a man eating an orange scream at a bus that passed by. I'm not sure why, but I'm sure he had a good reason. I found some jewelry store and bought a gold Rolex watch for two-hundred bucks! The damn thing is beautiful and probably worth a couple grand. I wore it through the rain and it held up pretty well. Still no broads or burgers though. I found a taco place. It smelled great, but it was filthy so I passed it. I'm still wet and hungry. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to keep this blog going after I reach Roman numerals that I don't know. I could use regular numbers, but that's a bore. I wish I had the internet so I could look up all those big Roman numerals. Oh, well. My Rolex watch only goes up to twelve. I'm stuck after that. I wish I was a Roman right now.
Friday, March 4, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part XI
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Can you hear those wonderful sounds seductively calling you in your sleep, church like bells chiming, wooshes wooshing ever so gently, guitars strumming with exotic foreign accents, bass lines that slither under the belly of a cobra, and drums that beat to the rhythm of the motions of your most enjoyable adult experience? Those are the new songs of The Suite D's. I advise you to tune it all out until the album is available for commercial purchase. Although their latest recordings have not yet been released and are currently classified as top secret material, there have been rumours that some of these songs have leaked into the dream world and are being illegally mentally downloaded and passed around through some sort of psychotronic metaphysical cult of gnome like creatures of a shared community subconscience that the ancient Egyptians referred to as the Ka. Every person begins life with seven Kas that make up their personal spiritual structure. In times not so long ago in the past the Ka 1 through 7 occupied only the body in which it possessed. However in modern times due to results of various ecological reasons including air pollution, hormones in food, pesticides, foul language, etc., certain people have reported cases of Ka hopping in which one or more of their Kas jump from their body to another with no particular direction or intention. It seems as though the Kas have gone mad. Evidently their have been Kas that have jumped from certain members present at some of the recent recording dates of The Suite D's. I have been swamped with reports of people from India to Indiana who have been humming and singing songs of The Suite D's that have not been released in any physical way shape or form. As the spiritual advisor of The Suite D's, I have hired a team of lawyers, exorcists, shamans, swamis, and voodoo priests from across the globe to help get to the bottom of these cases. It will be a tough battle, but we are optimistic that we will walk away victorious. Meanwhile, the drummer of The Suite D's, Quad L, has recently obtained a record amount of 37 Kas. Among the seven members of The Suite D's there are presently 121 Kas! They are working hard at wrapping up the album of your dreams. Some Ka named Harvey David Load just wrote a spectacular new doo wop country song in the soul of Bumoltua. And to those of you lucky enough to have already heard this music, well, I'll see you and all your Kas in court!
I would also like to report that I have been hired as the new manager of New York City's band of Lassie and lettuce loving misfits, The Hardcore Jollies! Along with The Suite D's, The Hardcore Jollies, and the new line of electric toothbrushes/tonsil massagers from James & Palmer, 2011 is looking to be quite a productive year! Let's toast, shall we?
I would also like to report that I have been hired as the new manager of New York City's band of Lassie and lettuce loving misfits, The Hardcore Jollies! Along with The Suite D's, The Hardcore Jollies, and the new line of electric toothbrushes/tonsil massagers from James & Palmer, 2011 is looking to be quite a productive year! Let's toast, shall we?
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part X
I'm Rodney Dezmund. The images above are from a German movie called Magdalena Possessed By The Devil which is supposedly some cheap knock off of some big budget Hollywood flick I never heard of called The Exorcist. Regardless, the film is great as you can plainly see from the stills shown here. This broad has sex with an invisible demon and tells a priest to give her communion in her vagina. I think that's where the idea for the movie Titanic came from.
Anyway, make sure you tune into http://www.goldenstring.org/ every Wednesday from 5 PM to 6 PM for The Jackson Perdue Filthy Hour. There will be some great music played as well as some heavy breathing and sexy moaning. Special guests on the show will include members of The Suite D's, The Fruit Man, and quite possibly even an interview with yours truly. Make your life a happy one. Grind harder. Grind faster. Grind wetter. Grind on with Jackson Perdue and his special guest freaks.
Anyway, make sure you tune into http://www.goldenstring.org/ every Wednesday from 5 PM to 6 PM for The Jackson Perdue Filthy Hour. There will be some great music played as well as some heavy breathing and sexy moaning. Special guests on the show will include members of The Suite D's, The Fruit Man, and quite possibly even an interview with yours truly. Make your life a happy one. Grind harder. Grind faster. Grind wetter. Grind on with Jackson Perdue and his special guest freaks.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part IX
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Do you know what this thing is right here? It's a motherfucking Phurba. It destroys disease, demons, curses, and it can pierce through your skull if you wanna get down like that. I have one of these things. I didn't even know what it was for about three years. Now I know. It's a Phurba. Look, I love everybody, but seriously, I'll use this damn thing if I have to. You know who else owns one of these things? R. Kelly. I read about it in his autobiography. That's right. R. Kelly owns a motherfucking Phurba, and he's used it. That's what makes him fly. Can you fly? Didn't think so. Get yourself a Phurba, baby. Come fly with me and R. Kelly.
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part VIII
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Hard Times starring Charles Bronson is one of the most explosive booty stomping documentaries ever. Back in the 70's, Charles Bronson hired his old buddy and fellow ass kicker, James Coburn, to manage him in a series of bare knuckled fighting matches. Bronson took on the fighting name "Chaney", and Coburn began calling himself "Speed". They dressed in depression era clothing and roamed the country in search of worthy opponents. Director Walter Hill followed them and caught all the action on camera. Bronson annihilated his opponents one by one. He worked his way to the top and proved himself to be one of the baddest motherfuckers the cinema has ever seen. Forget those overrated pussys Chuck Norris and Ben "Gigli" Affleck. Bronson was the real deal. He'd have those two shittin' in their pants before he even started rolling up his sleeves. So go out and buy Hard Times. Yes, it is a documentary. I don't care what you say. So was Death Wish III so fuck you. And fuck Ben Affleck and Chuck Norris too.
Friday, February 4, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part VII
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Gigli is probably the most incredible film ever made. I'm baffled that this film was not nominated for one of those Oscar things. Ben Affleck is so damn tough in this movie he makes Charles Bronson look like Shaggy from the Scooby Doo show. J-Lo proves that she is just Jenny from the block. Her street smarts and ability to handle a ray gun prove that she could easily go toe to toe with Eskimo sit-com starlet, Sarah Palin. I'd hate to be stuck in an igloo with those two at the wrong time of the month. Justin Bartha's portrayal of a mush brained alien from the planet Zipnar is so authentic and moving I have to keep a box of Kleenex near me every time I view the film. Just in case my penis sneezes. Christopher Walken turns in the finest performance of his career as an ex-race car driver down on his luck and living off of discarded shoe strings. The scene with him and a group of swamp rats singing along to an entire Hootie & The Blowfish cd will go down as being one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history. The casting director should be commended for their choice of placing Al Pacino in the role of an Asian chef working in an Italian restaurant. It was nice to finally see Mr. Pacino in a full frontal nude scene. The beach scenes were very authentic. Supposedly they used real women in bikinis for these shots and it shows. No matter how much film technology has improved over the years, real women with fake titties will always look more impressive than those CGI generated bimbos. So much hard work was put into this low budget feature. It's great to see all of these big name Hollywood celebrities willing to work for next to nothing in order to take their craft to a higher level of artistic achievement. Gigli truly is the Citzen Kane of films!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part VI
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Guitarist of neo-pre-post band The Hardcore Jollies, Mitch Masterson, has a reputation for being quite a hot headed and violent tempered thug. News stories of Masterson's run ins with the law seem to surface weekly and they're usually a result of his insane outbursts and uncontrollable rage. At least that's what the media would have you believe. Mitch seems to have spent the better part of his life looking out at the world from behind iron bars and barbed wire fences. And when he's not seeing the world from behind bars, he's usually seeing it from behind some two dollar hooker's big ass. Mitch Masterson lives fast and hard. However, there is a more gentle side to Mitch that is rarely seen by the general public. Over the weekend, I had the pleasure to visit Mitch at his upstate New York mansion and listen to some of his new material. Mitch and his lovely wife of the moment, Twatta, cooked a huge feast consisting of homemade haggis, deviled eggs, and instant mashed potatos drenched in ketchup. After our meal, Mitch took me into his six-million dollar recording studio, lit up a huge blunt, and threw on some of the tracks from the upcoming Jollies album. But my attention soon drifted from the sounds booming from the speakers to the incredible collection of Lassie memorabilia that adorned the walls and shelves of the huge studio. I found it unusual that a man with a reputation like Mitch would be interested, actually, obsessed with such a wholesome all American TV show. I asked him what it was about Lassie that sparked his interest. Mitch turned the music down and became very serious. I thought for a moment he might hit me. He removed his sunglasses, rubbed his eyes, sighed, and took a long drag from the blunt. As he exhaled, he explained to me in a very soft spoken and reserved voice that he has felt as though he's been stuck in a well his entire life. There's never been anybody there to pull him up when he's down. Lassie represents hope to Mitch. It's a hope that one day a saviour will hear his screams of pain and run for help. Pull him out of his deep and dark well. When Mitch was a youngster, in and out of Juvie, the only show he was allowed to watch while locked up was Lassie. It was his only guidance and what gave him the little morals that he now has. When Mitch feels the urge to smash and kill, he thinks about Lassie. Sometimes it works. Usually it doesn't. I asked Mitch why he doesn't have any dogs or pets. His response? "I hate fuckin' animals! I don't even let Lynx in here aside from laying down his vocal parts. That son of a bitch chewed a huge hole in my ten-thousand dollar sofa once! Fucker thinks he's a bobcat or some shit. Bej had to hide all my guns while the other guys held me on the floor and calmed me down. I was gonna kill that little asshole! No pets for me, Fucker! No fuckin' way. Lassie? Now, Lassie's different. She wasn't a dog. She was a goddess. There will never be another."
Mitch let me snap some photographs of the memorabilia. Among the items were a few lunchboxes, an autographed photo of Timmy, a sample of Lassie's fecal matter, and a rare photograph of Lassie with welterweight world champion boxer, Emile Griffith. Quite a unique collection!
Mitch let me snap some photographs of the memorabilia. Among the items were a few lunchboxes, an autographed photo of Timmy, a sample of Lassie's fecal matter, and a rare photograph of Lassie with welterweight world champion boxer, Emile Griffith. Quite a unique collection!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part V
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Take some time for yourself today. Look around you. Play in the snow. Or sniff some flowers if they're around you. Or some panties. Run yourself a warm bubble bath and light some candles and some incense. Put some rain forest sounds on the stereo system. Dip an apple in some caramel and put a stick in it and lick it. Get a rub. Go to an orgy with a bunch of hippy devil worshippers. Let a butterfly catch you. Look at birds through binoculars. Experiment with explosives. Today is your day. Don't throw it in the trash.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part III
I'm Rodney Dezmund. Johnny "Guitar" Watson was a preacher, pimp, drug abuser, and above all a pioneering Texas blues, jazz, and funk guitarist who was a major influence on Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Jimi Hendrix, and Steve Miller among others. He was the original "Gangster Of Love". As a matter of fact, I've heard that Johnny's classic "Three Hours Past Midnight" was the biggest influence on Zappa to pick up a guitar and start playing. In addition to his blues/rock/r&b cuts of the 50's and 60's, Mr. Watson released a series of funk albums in the 1970's and had some pretty big hits with songs such as "A Real Mutha For Ya" and "Superman Lover". Some of these albums were dismissed by the blues community as hokey pop records, and he even dipped his toes into a little disco for a minute towards the end of the decade. Personally, I think some of the cuts from the funk albums are just as classic as his earlier material and have stood the test of time. I'm not too big on the disco stuff, but funk cuts like "Superman Lover" make me wanna fly and smooth jams such as "I Wanna Ta Ta You Baby" make me want to squeeze on some titties.
Anyways, I'm here to talk to you about his 1981 album, Johnny Guitar Watson And The Family Clone. I always avoided picking up any of the late 70's and early 80's albums because I had just assumed that they were filled with disco and post-disco 80's synth nonsense and although there is a bit of that from this period, man, was I wrong about this one. This is one of the most unique sounding R&B records from the 1980's I have ever heard. These are completely spaced out down and dirty weirdo funk jams. And Mr. Watson plays all of the instruments himself (there is a credit on the album given to an additional drummer, but I read an interview with that drummer and he denies involvement here). There are a lot of places here that remind me of Shuggie Otis and Sly Stone (whom which the album's title is an obvious nod to). There's even a spot or two with a little Stevie vibe. Blues purists will want to steer clear of this one and I'm not saying that Family Clone is a masterpiece or anything, but if you like your funk on the adventurous side, I highly reccomend this release. Mr. Watson is not playing it safe here.
Johnny "Guitar" Watson died on stage in the middle of a performance in Japan on May 16th, 1996. I heard that the song he was performing was "Superman Lover", but that could just be rumour. I hope it was though.
Anyways, I'm here to talk to you about his 1981 album, Johnny Guitar Watson And The Family Clone. I always avoided picking up any of the late 70's and early 80's albums because I had just assumed that they were filled with disco and post-disco 80's synth nonsense and although there is a bit of that from this period, man, was I wrong about this one. This is one of the most unique sounding R&B records from the 1980's I have ever heard. These are completely spaced out down and dirty weirdo funk jams. And Mr. Watson plays all of the instruments himself (there is a credit on the album given to an additional drummer, but I read an interview with that drummer and he denies involvement here). There are a lot of places here that remind me of Shuggie Otis and Sly Stone (whom which the album's title is an obvious nod to). There's even a spot or two with a little Stevie vibe. Blues purists will want to steer clear of this one and I'm not saying that Family Clone is a masterpiece or anything, but if you like your funk on the adventurous side, I highly reccomend this release. Mr. Watson is not playing it safe here.
Johnny "Guitar" Watson died on stage in the middle of a performance in Japan on May 16th, 1996. I heard that the song he was performing was "Superman Lover", but that could just be rumour. I hope it was though.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I'm Rodney Dezmund Part II
I'm Rodney Dezmund. In 2010 the world lost some very important musicians who were experienced in the art of sweet love and tender emotions. Thank you Teddy Pendergrass, Solomon Burke, and Teena Marie for contributing to some serious hump and grind sessions and turning my world into a romantic and smooth palace. I hope you all rest in peace. The worlds of sex and music have suffered three great losses. Damn you, 2010, for softening my hard on by robbing us of these masters and continuing to promote even more mediocre love songs by talentless little boys and girls. The world is in desperate need for some new serious grown folk music.
I'm Rodney Dezmund
My name is Rodney Dezmund. I have been CEO of James & Palmer Hot Combs since 2008. I was born in Porkspoon, West Virginia in 1974 and moved to Burbank, California after I graduated high school with dreams of becoming an actor and professional singer/songwriter. I got some jobs modeling for billboard ads and local sales papers and even landed myself a spot on The Dating Game (I lost). I eventually landed some gigs both acting in and writing jingles for a string of Red Barn Burgers commercials. I also got a bit part in Bruce Cherry's 1996 mini-series Culture Of Ashes. I have sung and played keyboard and guitar in coffee shops all over the western United States. I got somewhat of a break in the music business when I had the honor to open up for the legendary Soul Team Of Chauncey & The Dunna Man during their short lived 2002 reunion tour. In 2004 I was selling cocaine out of my one room apartment while working part time in a day care center for low wages and travelling with a Shakespeare theatre group on weekends still hoping for my big break in the entertainment business. That night came in 2007 when James Palmer, owner of James & Palmer Hot Combs, caught my act in The Wake Up Club Coffe Room in Oxnard. He approached me during one of my breaks, twirling his moustache and grinning, and told me that I would make a great new CEO at his successful hot comb company. From 2007 to 2009 I saved the company over seven-million-dollars and designed and created a new website for them (eventually shut down due to extremely graphic adult content and instructions for creating various homemade weapons) that boosted their online sales over three-hundred percent. It is now 2011 and Mr. Palmer has granted me the tool$ to create my own record label, Hot Roller Records! I will definitely have my hands full this year while still performing my duties of CEO at James & Palmer and getting this new record label off the ground. I am currently in negotiations with Sombrero Records to buy the rights of the still unreleased 2009 reunion album by my old buddies The Soul Team Of Chauncey & The Dunna Man. The public needs to hear this album! Already signed to the label is Youngstown, Ohio's hip hop crew Starrkrunch, psychedelic rockers from Madrid, Mrs. Grundy's Special Place, and and the heavy jazz-funk crew from Scottsbluff, Nebraska, The Scottsbluff Prophets. All of these albums and more should hopefully be dropping by late 2011/early 2012. If you are a musician searching for distribution from a very reliable and business savvy ex drug dealer, please contact me at this blog. I will be accepting demos and will get around to hearing everything as soon as my busy schedule allows for it. I am looking forward to this new adventure in life and hope that it takes me, my artists, and all of the fans on an incredible journey. Stay with me. Let's get bigger together!
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